
Current Directory: /iso/2024.09.01/

File Name  ↓ File Size  ↓ Date  ↓ 
-2024-Sep-01 18:11
1.1 GiB2024-Sep-01 18:11
141 B2024-Sep-02 20:02
66.4 KiB2024-Sep-01 18:14
131.1 MiB2024-Sep-01 18:12
141 B2024-Sep-01 18:14
131.1 MiB2024-Sep-01 18:12
141 B2024-Sep-01 18:14
1.1 GiB2024-Sep-01 18:11
141 B2024-Sep-02 20:02
654 B2024-Sep-01 18:14
398 B2024-Sep-01 18:14

Use the mirror closest to you for faster downloads and better package management performance. All mirrors are available over both HTTP and HTTPS.

Available Mirrors

Mirror URL Country Sponsor(s)
https://al.arch.niranjan.co Albania Albahost
https://de.arch.niranjan.co Germany Avoro (DataForest)
https://in.arch.niranjan.co India DigiRDP
https://ro.arch.niranjan.co Romania Host-C, Torchbyte
https://us.arch.niranjan.co United States Kuroit, Racknerd

Using a Mirror in Pacman

To configure Pacman to use a specific mirror, follow these steps:

  1. Open /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist with root privileges:
    sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
  2. Add the desired mirror URL at the top of the file:
    Server = https://<country-code>.arch.niranjan.co/$repo/os/$arch
    Replace <country-code> with the code for the mirror you want to use (e.g., in for India, de for Germany).
  3. Save the file and run:
    sudo pacman -Sy

Contact and Support

For any issues or feedback regarding the mirrors, contact me at me@niranjan.co.


This archive is provided as a free service to the public. All files are offered "as is," and I am not liable for any misuse, storage, or transmission of the files hosted on these mirrors.


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